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— Journey to Zero ・ →

Introducing noll 99, our first vehicle to take us to zero – or noll as we say in Sweden, where this beauty was designed, crafted and manufactured.

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— Journey to Zero ・ →

Introducing noll 99, our first vehicle to take us to zero – or noll as we say in Sweden, where this beuty was designed, crafted and manufactured.

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Why call it 99? ||

Why not start with 1 and progress upwards, as all the others? Because we’re counting backwards, to zero.

Zero emissions.
zero footprint.
zero maintenance.
zero headaches.

As we hit Model 1, you and rest of mankind will enjoy the ride on a perfectly recyclable, null footprint, eternally fixable and repairable vehicle. Maybe it will be a bike, or a car, or a spaceship.

To find out, join us in our journey.​

Swedish craftmanship ||

The frame is built in Sweden. Our factory partner in Vansbro uses high quality Swedish steel.

Good design is what drives us, and we're proud to share our first innovative electric bike with the world.

The countdown has begun.

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